If you like chicken and rice, you'll love this simple and quick recipe for America's favorite bird (and grain)! If desired, add corn and green beans on...
If you like chicken and rice, you'll love this simple and quick recipe for America's favorite bird (and grain)! If desired, add corn and green beans on...
This is a beautiful stuffed crescent braid! The filling tastes great and the presentation is beautiful. This is great for family gatherings and/or feasts...
These can be made as an appetizer or main meal. They feel like the comfort food of chicken wings minus the extra fat! They are so delicious and best served...
This is definitely NOT the healthiest way to grill chicken, but it's my grandfather's recipe and he's 92! My kids are the ones who have named this chicken...
Easy, delicious, and cheesy chicken breasts--with plenty of Asiago flavor! Add a touch of black pepper, balsamic vinegar, and additional Asiago cheese...
Tired of everything being spicy and looking for a quick, nice dinner with a subtle flavor? Try this! Chicken breasts are laid on a bed of broccoli, and...
This sandwich is tasty for lunch or dinner. I experimented and came up with it one night when I wanted to make something quick, easy, and tasty for my...
This dish goes together quickly and is a favorite with kids. I like to serve it with angel hair pasta tossed with butter and a salad. On nights that I...
This is one of my favorite recipes, invented quickly before a dinner with relatives. Any red wine will do for this recipe, but pick a dessert wine if you...
Inexpensive, super quick, super easy, and super YUMMY! Great for snacks or meals. Honey-roasted chicken sandwiches with all the fixins'. If you can't find...
I wanted to make a quick and light recipe using quinoa, and I had some asparagus and red peppers in the fridge -- who knew that the combination could taste...
A simple stuffing of canned artichoke hearts, spinach, roasted almonds, and savory Parmesan upgrades the usual chicken breast and turns this staple into...
This was a staple in my family growing up. Being married now, my husband requests it all the time! Though it's not the healthiest, it's a quick and easy...
This is a great recipe for a hot summer day, and it looks totally exotic so your guests will be amazed. You may want to spice the chicken up a bit more...
I have had to adapt all my cooking to avoid anything that can induce heartburn. There are so many things I can't eat, I was about to despair of ever figuring...
For people who like chicken and are looking for something a little different, this recipe is for you. Brown sugar, soy sauce, and cocoa provide the base...
Garbanzo beans, cubes of seared chicken breast, carrots, and potatoes simmer until tender in a blend of spices and tomato. Serve by itself in a bowl or...
I'm a working mother and needed a quick, healthy, flavorful chicken recipe that was versatile and could be used in many different dishes. So, after trial...
This simple, sensational marinade and sauce for grilled chicken features lemon, garlic, rosemary, and butter. Separate the marinade into thirds: 1/3 for...
An unusual blend of seasonings flavor this slow cooker meal that takes advantage of the abundance of asparagus available in the spring. In other seasons...
Ginger and peach form a great flavor combination. Especially here, where the ginger and peach flavors are enhanced by the element of smoke flavoring on...
These can be made as an appetizer or main meal. They feel like the comfort food of chicken wings minus the extra fat! They are so delicious and best served...
Chicken breasts lightly seasoned with salt and pepper, then baked in a creamy mushroom mixture. A great chicken dinner that makes its own gravy. It came...
I'm a working mother and needed a quick, healthy, flavorful chicken recipe that was versatile and could be used in many different dishes. So, after trial...
This baked chicken and vegetable dish is delicious. I got in from work one night and wanted something a little lighter. I used frozen chicken breasts and...
I'm a working mother and needed a quick, healthy, flavorful chicken recipe that was versatile and could be used in many different dishes. So, after trial...